Research & evaluation
I undertake a variety of research and evaluation commissions that help clients to understand the difference they are making with their work and improve and develop their approach. Strong themes in my practice are co-creation and creative approaches. Evaluations can range from simple DIY evaluation plans and surveys to a detailed story of change and associated multi method evaluation approach.
Some recent projects include:
With colleagues Amanda Smethurst and Anousheh Haghdadi from Beatfreeks. I evaluated Creative Civic Change, a radical programme of community led creativity with a social purpose.
Coram is Britain’s oldest children’s charity. I am evaluating their NLHF funded Voices Through Time project, which is digitising the incredible Foundling Hospital Archive, and sharing contemporary stories of care.
For the Wales Arts, Health and Wellbeing Network I undertook a scoping study of other similar networks to help inform their planning.
I conducted a review of the Film Hub South East Programming Group; a network of cinemas in the South East working together to develop audiences for cultural film.
‘Working with Sarah on the Creative Civic Change evaluation has been a joy. Her open, collaborative and diligent working process has enabled the team to create an innovative evaluation model that truly reflects the values of our programme. Her insights and expertise are invaluable and we would be lost without her.’
– Grace Bremner, Senior Programme Co-Ordinator, Local Trust